Licensing Model (draft)


SilkBuilder: Development environment hosted on the developer's server. In this environment, the developer can program and test applications.

Silk Framework: Components and functionality used to develop web applications.

Silk Application: Web program developed using the SilkBuilder framework elements. 

Silk System: Set of Silk Applications with a common goal. A Silk System is installed in a production server.

SilkClient: Client environment that allows Silk Sytems to run on a provided host server independent of the SilkBuilder.

Silk User: A Person who has created an account on

Builder Seat: Access to a SilkBuilder installation.


The SilkBuilder licensing model has been designed to allow developers to freely experience the framework's benefits and test their application's functionality. Purchasing a license is only necessary when the application must be deployed to a production server to be accessible by the end user.

It is essential to note that this licensing model is only for using and distributing SilkBuilder and SilkClient. It does not cover the source code developed using the SilkBuilder framework. Each developer should define their licensing with their customers.

The license types are Explorer, Builder, Team, and Client. Any active license listed receives periodical updates and patches.

Explorer License

This License is available to any Silk User. It allows downloading and installing SilkBuilder on a registered external host. Under the Explorer License, multiple systems and applications can be developed and tested within the SilkBuilder environment.

The Explorer License provides access to the complete array of components and functionality the SilkBuilder framework offers. The developer can use this to build fully functional and tested Silk Systems ready for deployment.

With the Explorer License, SilkBuilder does not have the option to register and manage SilkClients, cannot deploy applications to SilkClients, cannot use the options to exchange code with other SilkBuilders, and cannot use the external translation functionality.

The Explorer License is limited to two Builder Seats. One is taken by the Silk User who created the License, and the other is to invite somebody else to join in the exploring process.

Silk Users can only have one Explorer License in their portfolio, alone or accompanying other license types.

Usually,  the developer's goal is to have the developed Silk System installed and running on a production server accessible to the end user.

Builder License

To deploy Silk Systems to production servers, the developer must buy a Builder License. This License allows for the registration and management of SilkClients, the deployment of Silk Systems to SilkClients, access to external translation functionality, and the use of options to exchange code with other SilkBuilder developers.

Silk Users can buy multiple Builder Licenses to install on different server hosts. Each Builder License can deploy Silk Applications to multiple registered SilkClients.

The Builder License is limited to four Builder Seats. A Team License is required to have unlimited developers.

Team License

This SilkBuilder license has all the features of a Builder License but allows an unlimited number of developers. This License is an upgrade to an already registered SilkBuilder installation.

The Silk User could have other SilkBuilder installations running in different hosts under the Explorer, Builder, or Team License. 

Client License

A Client License is used to install SilkClient into a production server. Before installing a Silk System on a server host, the developer must buy a Client License and install SilkClient on the target host.

A licensed SilkClient can be registered onto a SilkBuilder, and the Silk System installation and code synchronization can be executed. If the developer wants to install the Silk System on other SilkClient hosts, each host must obtain a Client License.

Only the Builder and Team licenses can deploy code to register SilkClients. One SilkBuilder installation could be used to develop various Silk systems and deploy to multiple SilkClients.